Appreciated Securities
One means of supporting Lima Memorial is by contributing appreciated stock, bonds or mutual funds. These are equities that have significantly appreciated in value and, if sold, would result in capital gains taxes.
Instead of selling the equities and paying the taxes, many contributors transfer these instruments to the Lima Memorial Foundation. This allows a donor to take a charitable tax deduction at the current value of the stock, not the amount of the original purchase. (Contributors should consult their tax or legal advisor for specific information on these transfers.)
Here are two methods of transferring securities, depending upon whether the certificates are held by a broker or agent, or if the contributor holds the certificates.
Option 1 – Certificates Held by Brokerage or Agent
You can transfer the securities electronically via Depository Trust Company (DTC) into the Foundation’s gift account. Instruct your broker / agent to contact the Lima Memorial Foundation’s Executive Director for account information by calling 419-226-5087.
Option 2 – Physically Held Securities Registered in the Donor’s Name
Send a transmittal letter identifying the security, quantity and intended purpose of your gift along with the securities certificate to the Lima Memorial Foundation.
Mail the transmittal letter and documents via registered mail to:
Lima Memorial Foundation
Attn: Lynn Carpenter, Executive Director
1001 Bellefontaine Ave.
Lima, OH 45804
Note: The security certificate should not be executed. Instead, complete a stock/bond power of attorney and mail under separate cover to the above address. The POA must be executed (signed) identically to the registered security.
Fill in “Lima Memorial Foundation” in the “sell/assign/transfer” section. Please do not fill in the “attorney to transfer” section.
Additional Information
For additional information about planning your gift to the Lima Memorial Foundation, please contact:
Lima Memorial Foundation
1001 Bellefontaine Ave.
Lima, OH 45804
Lima Memorial Foundation