Discharge Instructions
- Backache - chronic - cognitive behavioral
- Backache - chronic - narcotics
- Balloon angioplasty - discharge
- Balloon angioplasty - periperhal artiery - discharge
- Balloon angioplasty - peripheral artery- discharge
- Balloon angioplasty - peripheral artiery - discharge
- Balloon valvuloplasty - discharge
- Bankart - discharge
- Bankart repair - discharge
- Bard Button - pump
- Bariatric surgery - gastric bypass - discharge
- Bariatric surgery - laparoscopic gastric banding - discharge
- Beating heart surgery - discharge
- Below knee amputation - discharge
- Belsey (Mark IV) fundoplication - children - discharge
- Belsey (Mark IV) fundoplication - discharge
- Berry aneurysm repair - discharge
- Biliary calculus - laparoscopic discharge
- Biliary calculus - open discha
- Biliary calculus - open discharge
- Biventricular pacemaker - discharge
- BK amputation - discharge
- Blood clot in the legs - discharge
- Blood donation before surgery
- Bone infection - discharge
- Bone marrow transplant - discharge
- Bone marrow transplant in children - discharge
- Bowel resection - small intestine - discharge
- Bradycardia - pacemaker discharge
- Brain aneurysm repair - discharge
- Brain bleeding - discharge
- Brain hemorrhage - discharge
- Brain injury - concussion - discharge
- Brain injury - discharge
- Brain injury - mild - discharge
- Brain injury in children - discharge
- Brain radiation - discharge
- Brain surgery - discharge
- Breast augmentation - discharge
- Breast augmentation - discharge
- Breast cancer - mastectomy -discharge
- Breast external beam radiation - discharge
- Breast implants - discharge
- Breast lift with augmentation - discharge
- Breast reduction - discharge
- Breast removal surgery - discharge
- Breastfeeding jaundice - discharge
- Broken foot - metatarsal
- Broken foot-metatarsal
- Bronchiolitis - discharge
- Bronchitis - chronic - adults - discharge
- Bronchopneumonia - children discharge
- Bronchopneumonia adults - discharge
- Brooke ileostomy - discharge
- Bunion removal - discharge
- Bunionectomy - discharge
- Burch colposuspension - discharge
- Burch colposuspension vagino-obturator shelf - discharge
- Bypass surgery - heart - discharge